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Your Tool for the Lead & Copper Rule



Your Tool for the Lead & Copper Rule


To comply with the new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), the WDNR requires regulated water utilities to complete a comprehensive materials inventory by October 16, 2024.


This requirement will place a significant demand on water utility staff and resources, and without an effective method for tracking/recording your inventory progress, reaching LCRR compliance by the due date could prove to be a challenge.


Streamline the inventory process


To alleviate this burden, R/M developed InventoryAlly™, a GIS-based tool that streamlines the LCRR materials inventory process and eliminates the need for paper forms and repetitive data entry.

InventoryAlly™ allows your staff to efficiently collect materials data using mobile devices and laptops while performing inspections. You can easily visualize progress, materials, and send data to the WDNR. R/M works with you to utilize your existing data to reduce the amount of physical inspections needed.

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How it Works

How it Works

Learn how InventoryAlly™ can help you




no need to spend time Building your own solution

InventoryAlly™ was developed by R/M GIS staff with decades of experience in municipal asset management and a thorough understanding of water infrastructure.

Based on the input from the WDNR and water utilities, your staff can efficiently collect material data at all three required locations.


Efficiently Collect Data

InventoryAlly™ is mobile friendly, so say goodbye to spreadsheets and repetitive data entry.

Your staff can use tablets or laptops to collect data in real-time during their inspections. Plus, no WIFI connection is necessary. You can work in offline mode and sync your inspections later.

Powered by the ESRI ArcOnline platform, InventoryAlly™ is backed by a reliable, industry-leading GIS application.


reduce in-house inspections

Already know a subdivision is lead free? InventoryAlly™ enables you to update the data and materials for numerous laterals all at once.

R/M can help you save even more time and reduce the number of in-house inspections by importing your water system’s existing data from other data sources such as: GIS, record drawings, water meter data, and more!


Visualize progress & materials

Easily visualize your inventory collection progress with InventoryAlly’s™ map-based viewer. Icons allow you to quickly identify areas that still need inspection or contain lead materials in real-time.

Using the material infographics, you can evaluate both service line and customer line material breakdowns.

Submitting your material inventory data to the WDNR is a simple export!


Get a QuickStart

Get a QuickStart


Our goal is to save your staff time and money. Our QuickStart program kick-starts your materials inventory by reducing the amount of staff time necessary.

Using our knowledge of municipal water infrastructure and your existing data sources, we work with your utility to prepopulate your application with as much data as you have available, reducing the amount of physical inspections needed.

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Start Today

Start Today

Add InventoryAlly™ today, get your Quickstart this winter!

Don’t wait - October 2024 will be here before you know it. Contact R/M for pricing information and to get your utility in the cue for a QuickStart this winter.


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