Taking place annually on June 23, International Women in Engineering Day celebrates the achievements of women engineers. R/M is extremely proud of all our women who make community possible with their work every day.

Meet a few of our women in engineering

anita j. kreuser

field services team leader

What is your role at R/M?

I am the Field Services Team Leader at R/M. I manage our Construction Review Technicians, Survey, and CAD Teams.

Why did you decide to go into engineering?

In college, I went for a degree in Architectural Drafting and Construction Technology with the intentions of pursuing a career in architecture. During my studies I did a field trip at R/M and found civil engineering to be considerably more fascinating than architecture, so I switched and have never looked back.

What is your favorite part about your job?

I love the people I work with and I enjoy helping them succeed by troubleshooting problems.

What advice do you have for a woman who is interested in engineering?

Always stay true to yourself and always work hard and play hard!

Katelyn c. vandenberg P.E.

Project Engineer

What is your role at R/M?

I am a Project Engineer at R/M. I make community possible by bringing people together to tackle any challenge presented to us. 

Why did you decide to go into engineering?

I’ve always enjoyed mathematics. Engineering is a great opportunity to solve problems and use out-of-the-box thinking daily. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part of my job is providing a solution that meets all the needs of our clients. Every project brings with it a new challenge, which I love because I’m never doing the same thing twice. 

What advice do you have for a woman who is interested in engineering?

Surround yourself with people who support you. 

heidi f. jeninga

project engineer

What is your role at R/M?

I am a project engineer based out of the Madison office. I am still settling into this role, but I believe I am making community possible through my position both internally and externally. I have quickly been plugged into projects in the last few months and am fostering client relationships with both old and new clients. I also have the opportunity to work alongside our younger staff and interns and provide support to help them establish technical and non-technical skills within their engineering careers. 

Why did you decide to go into engineering?

I took a trip when I was 15 to a remote village in Guatemala. I was struck by the lack of drinking water infrastructure (and all other infrastructure really). I told my sister about it (she was a freshman in college at the time) and she suggested civil engineering. Ever since then, I knew I wanted to do civil. The passions and interests have shifted, ebbed, and flowed over many years, but the baseline passion for municipal engineering and civil infrastructure has stayed steady.

What is your favorite part about your job?

I love the variety of my job. I love that I get to touch so many pieces of civil design throughout my work week and that I am not confined to one lane of work. I love that each week is different and that I get to be a part of so many different projects.  

What advice do you have for a woman who is interested in engineering?

I was encouraged to pursue whatever I wanted throughout my whole life, and it wasn't until I was touring my college that I realized there was a gender gap in the engineering school (and workforce). I'd say, if you are interested in engineering, then pursue it. Simple as that. Let your knowledge and ability speak for itself, and the rest will follow. Also - never be afraid to ask questions, and stay curious!

Erin m. schultz

gis customer success manager

What is your role at R/M?

I am a GIS Customer Success Manager. I help communities manage their utilities using GIS software. I also help communities develop workflows centered around GIS tools to make their day-to-day functions more efficient and intuitive. 

Why did you decide to go into GIS?

There are so many different things GIS can be applied to beyond engineering and municipal work. I enjoy the technical aspect and problem-solving required to utilize GIS to its full potential. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part of my job is getting to interact with so many different people in various municipal roles. Seeing the impact our work has on improving workflows within communities is also very fulfilling. 

What advice do you have for a woman who is interested in GIS?

Take every opportunity you can to learn new skills as technology is always changing. 

abigail h. hanson

project engineer

What is your role at R/M?

I am currently a Project Engineer on the environmental team at R/M. I work on a wide range of projects that have positive initiatives such as water quality and habitat improvements projects. These projects not only improve the environment but also help bring communities closer together, making my work both fun and rewarding! 

Why did you decide to go into engineering?

I've always been passionate about the environment and helping the community. I love how engineering can turn designs and ideas into positive changes for local communities. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

I thoroughly enjoy the variety in my job, especially working on fascinating projects like stream design. Collaborating with diverse individuals allows me to learn new ideas and gain a deeper understanding of the industry. 

What advice do you have for a woman who is interested in engineering?

Keep pushing forward! The journey may be challenging, but it's incredibly rewarding. Surround yourself with a supportive group of mentors and focus on your big goals and the amazing work you're doing.