Your community’s roads roll out a welcome mat to residents, businesses, tourists, and travelers. They are one of your biggest assets and can dramatically impact the financial success of your municipality.
At Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M), our experts build pavement management programs for streets and roads that stand the test of time, weather, and politics. Our analysis is generated from databases and financial/asset management models to give your staff a roadmap to a quality road network. Our goal is to create a program that will extend the life of your roads by 10 years.
Utilizing a pavement management program will help your community understand the amount of financial liability that exists in maintaining your roadway system. Our services include road ratings, planning, design, streetscaping, construction administration, and construction review and range in complexity from minor maintenance through major downtown reconstruction.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Funding Alternatives
Pavement Management Programs
Long-Range CIP Planning
Roadway Certification
Pavement Structure Design
Drainage Evaluation
Street Reconstruction Design
Education of Elected Officials and Staff
Incorporation into GIS
“The Town had not allocated money for maintenance or repairs of its roads since 2001. R/M provided us with various solutions for reconstruction, pavement treatments and annual maintenance programs that extends the life of our roads from an average of 15 years to 25 or more years.”