Our communities are constantly struggling to balance economic development with orderly growth, sound infrastructure, sustainable rates, and balanced budgets.

Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) experts partner with municipalities like yours to build stronger, safer, and happier communities. Our employees aren’t just engineers, financial analysts, or technology experts; we live, work, and play in the communities we serve. Our understanding of your daily challenges and your citizens’ expectations give us an authentic perspective to create the best strategies for tackling a wide range of problems, from pavement management to infrastructure planning.

Cutting-edge technology provides your community with increased efficiency and better decision making. R/M is at the forefront of municipal innovation, developing solutions such as digital construction reporting, cloud-based GIS, SCADA systems, and asset management tools to provide our clients with intuitive solutions to solving community goals.


The most valuable service I get from R/M is personal attention. Our City Engineer lives here. He is a taxpayer with ties to the community. He is one of us, above and beyond the professional qualifications.
— City of Columbus, WI
  • Development Review

  • Infrastructure Planning

  • Pavement Management

  • Capital Improvement Planning

  • Surveying

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Road/Utility Design

  • Construction Administration