As your community grows, so do the demands placed on your wastewater infrastructure. Unfortunately, an increase in demand rarely accompanies an increase in your utility budget.
At Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M), our experts consider the capacity, reliability, operation/maintenance, energy, and safety during the planning, design, and construction of every engineering project.
Our team has the advanced understanding of treatment facility unit processes, nutrient removal technologies, and nutrient compliance alternatives necessary to help your municipality increase the efficiency of your wastewater infrastructure and stretch your rate-payer dollars.
System Planning
Process Design
Construction Administration and Review
New System Development
Extensions to Existing Systems
Asset Management Programs
Water Energy Efficiency
Auditing Services
Water Distribution System Modeling Maintenance Programs
Funding & Rate Study Assessments
“Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.’s wastewater treatment team has been a valuable partner in the City of Columbus’ commitment to maintain a reliable and efficient sewer utility. They have provided excellent service in all aspects of the Utility’s operation and are a pleasure to work with.”
R/M, in partnership with IBC Engineering, designed an upgrade at the Influent Building at the wastewater treatment facility (WWTF). The new screen transfers captured solids from the influent flow upstream of pumping, to the finished floor level. Previously, the screenings were collected in a dumpster at the lower wet well deck level. The screenings, weighing approximately 70 pounds, were manually carried up 15 sets of stairs every day and hoisted to a refuse container at chest level.
Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) was chosen to provide a condition assessment and long-term solution options in order to extend the life of the culverts underneath State Fair Park. The R/M team looked beyond the pipe’s internal conditions and investigated the surrounding environment to determine contributing factors to the culvert failure and future rehabilitation needs.
The major components of this upgrade included: a new clarifier with related RAS pumps, conversion of existing chlorination/dechlorination facilities to ultraviolet disinfection facilities, addition of phosphorus removal equipment, replacement of all aeration basin aerator equipment including drive units, shafts, and discs, and construction of a new headworks building, which included screening and washer/compactor equipment, grit removal, and new influent sewage pumps.
R/M provided planning, design, and construction engineering services for the aeration system upgrade. Through this project, the aeration blowers were replaced, the underground air piping was replaced with above-ground piping with continuously welded joints, and the aeration basin diffusers were replaced with a more efficient type.