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MS4 Annual Report Deadlines, Compliance Tips, and Funding Opportunities

MS4 Annual Report Deadlines, Compliance Tips, and Funding Opportunities

It’s February in Wisconsin, and you know what that means! ‘Tis the season for polar vortexes, snow blowers, and MS4 Annual Reports. All permittees must submit their 2020 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Annual Report to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) by March 31, 2021 .

Minimizing Bacteria in Your Waterways

Minimizing Bacteria in Your Waterways

In March 2018, the Milwaukee River Basin TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) was updated to include specified limits for bacteria. The TMDL states that 90% of fecal pollution found in the river basin is attributed to a combination of rural and urban runoff from unknown sources.  These pollutants enter the storm sewer system and flow untreated toward local streams, lakes, and wetlands, posing an ongoing threat to the overall health of our communities. Learn how R/M can help your community minimize the impact of bacteria in your waterways.