Michael T. Hallada, CISEC
Field services team leader
“We have the best people. We really vet our employees because we want them to fit long term. For the Field Services Team, I am constantly working to better understand the needs and expectations of our clients so I can train my staff to be able to meet those needs. We are always striving to be the best. ”
Why did you Choose this career path?
When I was a kid, I was always interested in trucks, tractors, and that kind of thing. In high school, I worked in landscaping and other physical jobs where I operated equipment and drove large machinery, so my interest in field work has always been there. But I took a pretty non-traditional route to end up where I am now.
After high school, I enrolled in the Air Force and was active duty during Desert Storm. I worked as a jet engine mechanic but was always interested in the engineering side of things. When I got home from the war and completed my service, I worked in the municipal sector for the City of Muskego, and R/M was their City Engineer. The people I worked with had a lot of respect for R/M and knew I was interested in civil engineering, so they recommended me for an internship while I was enrolled in a two-year program at MATC. After I graduated and finished my internship, I ended up taking a position working for the City of Milwaukee for 2 years, but then came back to R/M and I’ve been here ever since.
I worked in the field and as an engineering technician at first, and then when the position for Field Services Team Leader opened up, I decided to go back to school and complete my Bachelor’s degree in Business Leadership so I could be successful in my current role.
How long have you been with R/M?
20 years in April.
What is the best part of your job?
I think this is a two-part answer. First of all, I really enjoy the people I work with; I love getting to know them and their different personalities. It’s a great experience working with so many different people. I take a lot of pride in helping my team create a good vision and path for their future. I really try to focus a lot of energy on my staff. I want them to meet their goals and get where they want to be.
I also really love strategy. I love having a challenge in front of me and then developing a vision to solve that challenge. I enjoy figuring out all of the ways we can make our department stand out and better serve our clients. I think my team has endless potential, and I want us to be the best. Coming up with a strategy to make that happen, well I really love that.
What do you think differentiates R/M from other firms?
We have the best people. We really vet our employees because we want them to fit long term. For the Field Services Team, I am constantly working to better understand the needs and expectations of our clients so I can train my staff to be able to meet those needs. We are always striving to be the best.
If you could go back in time and give your 18-year-old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
I feel like I am very cautious when making decisions. I’m very careful and calculated, so I think I would tell myself it’s okay to just jump into things sometimes.
What are you up to when you’re not at work?
Chasing kids! We are always running around to soccer, volleyball, and choir practice. And then trying to squeeze some fun in between. I love taking family vacations and stuff like that. I’m also big into fishing, so I try to get out as much as I can and take my girls with me.
What is your favorite food right now?
I have to say steak! We were a little concerned this spring with whether or not we’d be able to find it at the store, so we stocked up a little bit. It’s been great to have at home.