Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades — Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.

Village of Dousman, WI

Project Description

The major components of this upgrade included: a new clarifier with related RAS pumps, conversion of existing chlorination/dechlorination facilities to ultraviolet disinfection facilities, addition of phosphorus removal equipment, replacement of all aeration basin aerator equipment including drive units, shafts, and discs, and construction of a new headworks building, which included screening and washer/compactor equipment, grit removal, and new influent sewage pumps. The new headworks building with the screening process helped the plant staff by removing fibrous material at the beginning of the plant and alleviating the "matting" material in the treatment system, which the Village has been plagued with for many years. A large garage was also added to house Utility vehicles.

A key part of the project was to make it affordable for the Village of Dousman residents. This was accomplished with a Federal ARRA grant and the need to follow strict guidelines. These guidelines included wage scale requirements with weekly interviews with personnel on site, monthly scheduled reports on funding activities, analysis of rate structures and compliance with the Buy American requirements. Throughout the project, all grant reporting and administrations schedules were met to ensure all grant monies were received.

Project Highlights

Design, bidding and construction administration utilizing Green project guidelines were utilized for the wastewater treatment facility upgrades. Green Building Case forms were utilized to obtain $3,267,518 of stimulus funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Clean Water Fund. The Orbal® oxidation ditch wastewater treatment system originally installed in 1981 in the Village of Dousman has maintained a reliable source of treatment. With these enhancements, the Village is able to maintain their current staffing levels without any sacrifice to the treatment system or maintenance needs.
