School District of Greenfield, WI
Project Description
This education sector project, that consisted of two phases, started with an existing elementary school, with a typical asphalt play area and parking lot that drained directly into the city’s storm sewer system and land improvements to a wooded lot adjacent to the school grounds.
Project Highlights
During phase one, reconstruction included removing portions of the paved areas near the existing storm inlet structures and other areas and creating four separate biofilters. These biofilters consist of a typical rain garden cross section consisting of pea gravel, drainage rocks, a sand/compost engineered mix top dressed with hardwood mulch. Planting consist of Iris plugs, Fox Sedge plugs, and Smooth Penstemon. In addition to these biofilters, a much larger size biofilter with the same type of mix and planting was constructed, however run-off collected from this facility discharged into a newly constructed underground water detention system.
Phase two (Community Forest) involved turning the existing wooded lot into an ecological and environmental learning area. Select trees were removed to create natural and paved path’s leading to newly constructed learning areas including a covered shelter, an amphitheater, as well as other natural seating areas.
New tree plantings consisting of oaks, maples, and spruce’s have occurred. In applicable areas, other native seed plantings have occurred which included sedge, coneflower, black-eyed susans and daisies.
Entrance to Community Forest
At the southern edge of the forest, a buffer zone was created consisting of newly planted evergreens and native prairie seeding. At the entrance just outside of the forest a butterfly garden was constructed consisting of various native species including prairie clover, blue-stem grasses and milkweeds. Erosion and sediment control inspection was performed by Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) on behalf of the City of Greenfield during the construction period of both phases.
Services Provided
Native Landscaping
Rain Gardens
Butterfly Gardens