Racine Water & Wastewater Utility
The Racine Water & Wastewater Utility (RWWU) partnered with Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) to expand the utility’s water distribution network and provide an average of 5.8 million gallons per day (mgd) for approximately 20 million sq. ft. of new manufacturing space in the Village of Mount Pleasant. This expansion included:
Two new pumping stations
Significant improvements to two existing pumping stations
New elevated storage tank
174,540 feet (nearly 34 miles) of new water main measuring 36” to 48” in diameter
Project timeline
This project is one of the largest water system expansion projects in the state of Wisconsin. To accommodate the needs of this massive development, the timeline was significantly expedited. For critical segments of water main, design work that would normally take a year was completed in less than two months.
R/M split the 174,540 feet of transmission main into 18 individual segments. The initial, most critical sections of transmission main were designed on a fast track in coordination with regulatory agencies and other nearby infrastructure projects. Construction commenced on this initial main, followed by the design of additional project sections. This “laddering” schedule divided the work into manageable portions and allowed the planning, design, permitting, and construction to occur simultaneously. As a result, the project maintained constant momentum and met all critical milestone completion dates.
Project Highlights
To meet the needs of the development, the water supply system was serviceable as of March, 2020. A portion of the project is ongoing and will be finalized in 2022. All work to date has been completed on-time and on-budget.
Construction of New Elevated Water Storage Tank.
Completed Elevated Water Storage Tank
R/M is a relatively small firm, with just over 100 employees. While the magnitude of this project presented unique challenges, our small size allowed us to be nimble and quickly adapt to necessary changes and unexpected obstacles. This flexibility proved to be the key to our success in navigating the many complexities of this project.
Installation of 36 in. Water Main Along Spring St.
A significant portion of the water main construction took place in highly congested, urban areas where all of the underground space between the surface and 12 feet of depth was occupied. Our team successfully navigated the necessary relocation of existing laterals and other infrastructure without cutting off water supply to local homes and businesses.
Water Main Installation
Inside New Pumping Station
Services Provided
Water Main Design
Pump Station Design
Pump Station Rehab
Elevated Storage Tank
Construction-Related Services
Drone Survey
Public Information Meetings
Agency Coordination
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