As municipalities face increasing demands for storm water quality and wastewater treatment facility effluent, creative thinking is as important as ever. This seminar will showcase several case studies where communities are thinking outside the box to reduce pollutants in storm water and wastewaterdischarges. Attendees will learn how these solutions can help their community:
Increase water quality.
Improve community aesthetics for green space.
Enhance habitat.
Provide broad stakeholder involvement.
Decrease overall life cycle and maintenance costs compared to conventional solutions to meet permits and TMDL goals.
Topics Include:
Examples of streambank inventories to identify TSS and phosphorus loads due to erosion.
Investigations into new technologies and modifications to treatment plants.
Advantages and disadvantages to be considered when using a group permit compliance approach.
Two watershed group examples, their activities, and how they work together.
How specific storm water and wastewater improvement initiatives can be coordinated and structured under a larger watershed planning framework such as a Nine Key Element Plan or Watershed Quality Improvement Plan.
David W. Arnott, P.E.
Team Leader/Senior Project Manager, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.
Maureen A. McBroom
Environmental Coordinator, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.