Viewing entries tagged
Road Ratings

Making the Most Out of Your Road Rating Data

Making the Most Out of Your Road Rating Data

Your road ratings can be an extremely valuable tool and can be the catalyst for development of strategic, long-term planning efforts. By evaluating current and historical rating data compared to yearly road maintenance efforts within your community, you’ll gain valuable insight into whether your road program is on the right track. Your road system is your most valuable asset, so understanding its current value and how to increase that value is a key component to comprehensive planning.

Road Rating Best Practices

Road Rating Best Practices

Every two years the Wisconsin DOT requires that local municipalities rate their roadways. This process leads to more accurate and strategic planning for road improvements, capital improvement programs, or cost program for long-term financing. Watch as the experts from R/M show you examples of roads in various conditions and share their best practices for rating your roads!

Road Ratings & Maintenance: Why is it Important & What's the Smartest Approach?

Road Ratings & Maintenance: Why is it Important & What's the Smartest Approach?

Viable road networks are crucial to the economic development of your community and your residents’ quality of life, as poorly maintained roads pose a safety hazard for drivers and can greatly increase vehicle repair costs. Join R/M experts as we discuss your yearly road ratings requirements, provide guidance on how to properly identify road deterioration, and discuss how to best maintain this critical infrastructure.