To reduce waterway pollutants, comply with MS4 permits, and meet TMDL goals, communities should regularly inspect and perform proper maintenance on all storm water management devices. Erosion, structure obstructions, and undesirable plant growth can all cause your system to perform poorly and leave you with high maintenance costs. Illicit discharge inspections are critical to identifying unwanted pollutants flowing through your storm sewer system.
Follow along with R/M’s Mark Bruns as he performs a storm water device and illicit discharge inspection, identifies common impairments, and shares best practices for maintenance.
To reduce waterway pollutants, comply with MS4 permits, and meet TMDL goals, communities should regularly inspect and perform proper maintenance on all storm water management devices. Erosion, structure obstructions, and undesirable plant growth can all cause your system to perform poorly and leave you with high maintenance costs. Illicit discharge inspections are critical to identifying unwanted pollutants flowing through your storm sewer system.
Follow along with R/M’s Mark Bruns as he performs a storm water device and illicit discharge inspection, identifies common impairments, and shares best practices for maintenance.
Modern technology paired with next-generation methods for data collection and communication can drastically improve data accuracy and completeness while increasing efficiency of the inventory process – all while saving you time, money, and frustration! Watch this video to learn how your municipality can benefit from these new methods and accurate, easy-to-access information.