Your Route to Smooth Pavement: Rate, Plan, Budget

Your Route to Smooth Pavement: Rate, Plan, Budget

Pavements are often one of the most valuable assets you must maintain. To protect your roads, parking lots, and other paved surfaces, it is important to plan ahead to extend their life and increase your ROI.

Join R/M’s experts as we share how to evaluate your current pavement conditions, including roads (PASER ratings), parking lots, and trails. We will also explore how to identify and determine the cause of existing inadequacies and review maintenance methods to help you minimize costs and effectively plan your budget.

Take Your Department of Public Works Digital

Take Your Department of Public Works Digital

DPWs and Department Heads have enough to juggle with completing projects on time, managing staff and maintenance tasks, and serving residents. Searching for critical information about your infrastructure should not be something else you have to worry about. By leveraging the latest technology for GIS and data collection, you get instant access to the critical information you need and benefit from digital tools designed to make DPW tasks faster and easier. Watch this webinar to learn how your municipality can work smarter and reduce staff time.

Happy Holidays from R/M!

Happy Holidays from R/M!

Check out how Santa and the North Pole staff are navigating the "new normal" in this video.

New Funding for Roads: Transportation Utilities

New Funding for Roads: Transportation Utilities

Municipalities across Wisconsin face a gap between their road reconstruction needs and the funding that’s available. Property tax restriction and declining state aid mean vital projects are being postponed. A new option is available to fund these needed projects. Watch this video to learn more about Transportation Utilities.

The Utility Rehabilitation Toolbox: The Correct Tool for the Job

The Utility Rehabilitation Toolbox: The Correct Tool for the Job

With the continued aging of infrastructure and the need for rehabilitation not getting the priority it deserves, system owners need to be knowledgeable about all the tools in their toolbox to most effectively utilize their available budget. Join expert presenters form Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. as we explain the different methods for utility rehabilitation and when those methods should be utilized to better stretch your available budget. If you’re involved in the planning and operations of sanitary sewer utilities, then you can’t miss this on-demand webinar.

Leveraging Drone Technology

Leveraging Drone Technology

Drone (Unmanned Aircraft System) technology has become an indispensable data acquisition tool for the modern engineer and surveyor. From simple aerial photography to complex surveying and mapping projects, drone technology adds value to your projects by giving you more information to make critical project decisions. Our experts share new, cutting-edge applications such as vegetation health analysis and explore the future of drone use in our industry.

The MS4 Da Vinci Code

The MS4 Da Vinci Code

Navigating the best path to progress towards your community’s MS4 and TMDL goals can be overwhelming. There’s no secret code to storm water permitting success, however, this video will help you decipher the information you need to remain in compliance while simultaneously preparing your community for the future.

Erosion & Sediment Control Best Management Practices

Erosion & Sediment Control Best Management Practices

Municipalities, developers, and contractors are required to comply with Wisconsin regulations to control runoff from construction sites. To help you manage and report on construction site storm water compliance, this webinar will focus on what to look for and how to inspect construction sites.

Learn tips for construction site inspection and reporting for homesites and commercial projects, as well as projects where common problems may occur during grading, culvert replacement, utility trenching, final stabilization, and more.

How to Kick-Start your Site Evaluation

How to Kick-Start your Site Evaluation

We all know that some project delays are unavoidable (erratic weather, contractor availability, and underground surprises can’t always be avoided). However, by performing environmental due diligence early in the planning process of your development project, you can prevent lengthy (and costly) setbacks.

This webinar will cover the importance of Endangered Resources (ER) Reviews and Wetland Delineations during site evaluations.

Leveraging Grants to Fund Infrastructure Projects

Leveraging Grants to Fund Infrastructure Projects

Access to grant funding can make or break important municipal projects. However, the grant application process can be complex and time consuming, especially when you’re dealing with increasingly limited resources. Join us for an interactive seminar on upcoming grant opportunities for your community. Learn about new funding options and the creative ways grants can help your team support your next project.

Waterway Enhancements - Banks, Bottoms, and Boat Launches

Waterway Enhancements - Banks, Bottoms, and Boat Launches

Waterways are the pride and joy of many municipalities and contribute to the quality of life for residents and business owners. There are numerous approaches to not only beautify waterway features and improve water quality, but also allow a municipality to show progress towards MS4 or TMDL compliance. Having knowledge of the latest regulations and maintenance techniques is the first step in enhancing your community’s waterways. Evaluating funding strategies and navigating the permitting process is the next step. Watch this video for a collection of case studies involving: streambank restoration, pond dredging, and boat launches.

Happy Holidays from R/M!

Happy Holidays from R/M!

To further spread joy around the office this season, we decided to hire some enthusiastic new employees. The results were…amusing.

Emerging Trends in SCADA Technology

Emerging Trends in SCADA Technology

SCADA systems are a vital tool for the day to day operations of water and wastewater utilities. Staying educated on the latest SCADA hardware and software will allow you to better plan for the future of your systems so you can maximize efficiency and return on investment.  Watch this video to learn from expert thought-leaders about emerging trends and planning for the future of SCADA. We’ll explain the latest SCADA technologies and trends driving the water and wastewater industry forward.

Flooding Update: Lessons Learned, the DNR Approval Process, and Using Technology for Flood Management

Flooding Update: Lessons Learned, the DNR Approval Process, and Using Technology for Flood Management

As the weather patterns from last summer and this spring have demonstrated, effective floodplain management is a vital component to making a community a great place to live, work, and play. Properly managed drainage systems, flood storage areas, and floodplains can promote economic development and be attractive public amenities. Poorly managed systems operate in an opposite manner, posing safety hazards and causing significant hardships to local residents and business owners.

Join experts from Wisconsin Emergency Management, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. as we discuss what we learned from the 2018 floods, how to efficiently navigate DNR’s floodplain approval process, and how to utilize technology to more efficiently manage this critical infrastructure.

Making the Most Out of Your Road Rating Data

Making the Most Out of Your Road Rating Data

Your road ratings can be an extremely valuable tool and can be the catalyst for development of strategic, long-term planning efforts. By evaluating current and historical rating data compared to yearly road maintenance efforts within your community, you’ll gain valuable insight into whether your road program is on the right track. Your road system is your most valuable asset, so understanding its current value and how to increase that value is a key component to comprehensive planning.

Road Rating Best Practices

Road Rating Best Practices

Every two years the Wisconsin DOT requires that local municipalities rate their roadways. This process leads to more accurate and strategic planning for road improvements, capital improvement programs, or cost program for long-term financing. Watch as the experts from R/M show you examples of roads in various conditions and share their best practices for rating your roads!

Wastewater Treatment Facility Operations Instrumentation & Biosolids Management

Wastewater Treatment Facility Operations Instrumentation & Biosolids Management

Advances in wastewater treatment facility instrumentation can significantly improve your plant’s efficiency and reliability. Attend this seminar to learn about the latest instrumentation techniques and their benefits to your overall plant operations. This includes sludge blanket level indicators, total suspended solids meters, dissolved oxygen meters, ammonia and phosphorus meters, and oxidation-reduction potential meters.

Biosolids are another significant piece of the overall management of a wastewater treatment facility. Our experts will discuss liquids and cake management of biosolids, along with the different ways to thicken and dewater biosolids and the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Where to Find Resources for Infrastructure Investment

Where to Find Resources for Infrastructure Investment

Municipalities face an ongoing challenge in finding affordable, fair, reliable, and politically popular funding tools for infrastructure. Municipal department heads and finance directors must navigate trade-offs to find the best fit for their community’s needs. This webinar will help you respond to commonly faced funding problems and highlight a variety of manageable options and resources for quality infrastructure funding.

Emerging Field Data Collection Technologies

Emerging Field Data Collection Technologies

Technology advances in data collection methods, such as drones and 3D laser scanning, can significantly increase accuracy and efficiency. Having knowledge of the latest tools and technologies available allows you to confidently select the best tools and contractors for your municipal projects. In this hands-on seminar experts from Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. and Seiler Geospatial Division (Trimble) will discuss and demonstrate the latest equipment and technology available for collecting field data.