"Storm Water" often refers to water quality impacts from rain or snow melt, but not necessarily quantity or flooding issues. But it's not so easy to separate the quality from quantity issues from a practical, on-the-ground perspective. 

Why is this important? Don't assume that folks are talking about quantity or flooding issues when discussing "storm water". A grant may only cover the pollutant reduction aspects of a project. MS4 permits may focus on reducing pollutants during smaller rain events, when pollutants from streets, parking lots and lawns are washed into the storm sewer. However, local flooding issues can be more noticeable to residents and business owners.

Strategic planning to meet storm water quality requirements while also dealing with localized flooding issues is important. It is more cost effective to design and construct storm water quality features in a flooding solution or road reconstruction project than to design, mobilize crews, and construct water quality features separately, as is often needed to meet permit requirements. Vegetated swales, multi-celled storm water basins, and underground storage systems can all remove pollutants from storm water runoff while tackling flooding issues.

Contact our storm water management experts for more information.

About the Author

Maureen McBroom

Maureen A. McBroom
Environmental Coordinator

Maureen is dedicated to the protection and improvement of Wisconsin’s resources through close collaboration with municipalities and their citizens.  Efficient & effective implementation, driven by strong relationships and communication, are drivers behind her project implementation strategies.  She has experience in the WDNR’s Runoff Program, specifically issuing WPDES Permit coverage for construction site erosion control & long-term storm water plans, industrial storm water sites and municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permittees. Maureen has been with R/M since 2015.

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