The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is now accepting grant applications for construction of storm water treatment practices through the Urban Nonpoint Source and Storm Water Grant Program. Up to $150,000 can be awarded at a 50% cost share rate under these competitive, reimbursable grants. This is a valuable funding program that helps offset the cost of meeting MS4 Permit requirements and protecting local lakes, streams, and wetlands in Wisconsin.
Eligible projects must relate to WDNR’s Post-Construction Technical Standards. Some examples include:
Infiltration Area in Parking Lot.
Wet Detention Ponds
Bioretention Systems
Infiltration Basins
Infiltration Trenches
Permeable Pavement Systems
Grant applications can include construction costs, or a combination of construction and design costs, to be incurred during 2019-2020. An additional $50,000 can be awarded for the acquisition of land or an easement to construct a storm water practice. Recommended storm water practices from previous storm water management plans, watershed plans, or other community initiatives can move forward with the help of funding from the UNPS & Storm Water Grant Program.
Permeable Asphalt Installation.
Applications are due Monday, April 16, 2018. To discuss a potential grant project or the information DNR will need to review in the competitive applications, please contact one of our experts.
About the Author
Maureen A. McBroom
Environmental Coordinator
Maureen is dedicated to the protection and improvement of Wisconsin’s resources through close collaboration with municipalities and their citizens. Efficient & effective implementation, driven by strong relationships and communication, are drivers behind her project implementation strategies. She has experience in the WDNR’s Runoff Program, specifically issuing WPDES Permit coverage for construction site erosion control & long-term storm water plans, industrial storm water sites and municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permittees. Maureen has been with R/M since 2015.