Every odd year, Wisconsin municipalities are required to conduct road ratings and submit their findings to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).
Having a pavement management program in place can save you time, money, and stress when it comes to evaluating and maintaining your roads. A quality program will assist your municipality with the planning and programming, design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of your roads.
Knowing the current condition of your pavement makes it easier to diagnose the overall state of your community's roads, forecast your future needs, plan maintenance activities, and provide quality roads to the public.
Road Condition Tracking in GIS
Using a geographic information system (GIS) to help track the conditions and repairs needed for your community's streets, highways, and sidewalks can help enhance your pavement management program. Our GIS platform offers specialized tools and customized visualization that allows you to easily track pavement ratings, curb conditions, sidewalk inspections, and more.
Though the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) does not require pavement condition data to be submitted to the state, municipalities are required to use some form of Pavement Management System to guide their pavement maintenance and rehabilitation program. In addition, the preparation of a Pavement Management System can be eligible for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funding with IDOT approval.
By keeping organized and having a pavement management plan in place, road ratings can be an easy, low-cost item to check off on your to-do list that provides important information to your overall plan.
The experts at Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to pavement management programs. With our help, your community can have an intuitive system to access the inventory of your pavement assets, projections for future road conditions, interactive maps of your pavement, and more. Contact an expert today!
Cost-Conscious Strategies to Meet TMDL Goals: Partnerships & Planning
As storm water management requirements become more stringent, the need for strategic, long-term storm water management planning increases. In this webinar, attendees will learn about partnership and planning strategies that can help make storm water management more cost-effective.
For example, strategic grant planning is a great way to offset the cost of a storm water management plan and/or best management practices. Additionally, applying for grants in a partnership allows for costs to be distributed between multiple parties.
• TMDL and MS4 Permit Requirements
• Benefits and Possibilities for Storm Water Management Plans for TMDLs
• Costs of Storm Water Management Planning and Implementation
• Strategic Grant Planning
Michael T. Hallada, CISEC
Construction Services Team Leader
As an employee of Ruekert & Mielke for the last 18 years, Mike has established himself as a dynamic Team Leader who manages 26 full and part time construction inspection and survey staff. Mike is skilled in fielding construction questions and concerns from contractors as well as working directly with the public to understand and remedy their concerns about the construction process.