What You Need to Know about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) — Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.

President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill into law on ​November 15, 2021​. This $1.2 trillion bill includes $550 billion in new spending over the next eight years, roughly doubling the impact of status-quo infrastructure funding levels.

The $550 billion in new funding will be allocated to the following areas:  

Wisconsin Water and Wastewater Project Funding

The state of Wisconsin will receive roughly $856,000,000 for water and wastewater projects over the next six years, with $142,703,000 released the first year. The funds will be distributed through existing state programs, including the WDNR Safe Drinking Water Revolving Fund and Clean Water Revolving Fund.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is prioritizing the use of these funds in four main areas:

  • Removing lead service lines throughout the state

  • Bolstering water and wastewater infrastructure

  • Addressing emerging contaminants like PFAS

  • Accelerating water system material inventories

Wisconsin Transportation Funding

The state of Wisconsin will also receive roughly $1.3 billion in federal funding for transportation projects over the next 5 years.

This funding will funnel through four existing programs:

  • Surface Transportation Program (STP)​

  • Local Bridge Improvement Assistance Program​

  • Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)​

  • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)

WisDOT is accepting applications for FFY22 construction projects via the January solicitation for Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Local Bridge Improvement Assistance Program projects. Applications are due April 1, 2022 and are intended for shelved WisDOT approved, shovel ready projects.

There is a separate February solicitation for new STP, Local Bridge Improvement Assistance, TAP, and CMAQ projects. These applications are due June 1, 2022 and are intended for new, FF2023- 26 design and construction projects.

If you’d like to learn more about program eligibility, application procedures, and other related information, WisDOT is hosting a webinar on Thursday, February 10 at 1:00 PM. You can view the webinar here.

Learn More

Our experts are working closely with Wisconsin municipalities to monitor BIL updates on the state and local levels. If you have questions or want to learn more about how R/M can help you navigate BIL funding and plan projects that will make a long-lasting impact in your community, please contact us today.



Ryan joined the Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) team in 2007. He has worked as a Project Manager and Project Engineer on municipal projects, including wastewater collection and conveyance system design, storm water management and facility design, water main design, site development, development review and general municipal consultation and planning.

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