The City of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, wanted to provide amenities to attract development to the City, while shielding current residents from the cost of new development. Ruekert & Mielke recommended impact fees to fund park facilities and prepared an impact fee study. Sheboygan implemented its first impact fees to fund $760,000 of capital costs for the park and recreation trail.
When constructed in 1974, the 250,000 gallon elevated tank for the City of Pewaukee was adequate for serving the small customer base. Planning for a larger tank began in 1999, but was delayed for a number of reasons, one of which was finding a suitable site. Finally in December 2015, the City of Pewaukee awarded the contract to construct a 750,000 gallon tank. By then the original tank, which had not been re-coated for years because of lead in the paint, was looking pretty shabby.
Allen Road in the City of Oconomowoc was a rural cross section street in poor condition with drainage problems, encroaching wetlands, safety, and capacity issues.
The major components of this upgrade included: a new clarifier with related RAS pumps, conversion of existing chlorination/dechlorination facilities to ultraviolet disinfection facilities, addition of phosphorus removal equipment, replacement of all aeration basin aerator equipment including drive units, shafts, and discs, and construction of a new headworks building, which included screening and washer/compactor equipment, grit removal, and new influent sewage pumps.
Glendale Drive in the City of New Berlin was a rural cross section street with insufficient drainage that often flooded in a five to ten year storm. The design solution included upgrading the road from a rural to urban section, but also handling a large amount of storm water flow that entered the project site from three distinct points.
Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) supervised the reconstruction of portions of South Street, Third Street and South Main Street in the City of Oconomowoc. The project involved rehabilitation of the sanitary sewers and water mains, as well as a complete reconstruction of the urban crosssection streets, including storm sewer, curb and gutter, decorative street lighting, and brick paved terraces and cross walks.