Project Experience — Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.

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Municipal Engineering

Oak Street & Peninsula Road Reconstruction and Water Main Installation


Oak Street & Peninsula Road Reconstruction and Water Main Installation

Adjacent to Pewaukee Lake, the Oak Street and Peninsula Road area had a combination of poor water quality, poor soils, and a long, densely-populated road that needed to be reconstructed. With narrow right-of-ways, this made the installation of utilities and road reconstruction a significant challenge. The soft underlying soils required full-width excavation of the roads and presented a potential restriction on emergency services during construction.


WI State Fair Culverts Preliminary Engineering


WI State Fair Culverts Preliminary Engineering

Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) was chosen to provide a condition assessment and long-term solution options in order to extend the life of the culverts underneath State Fair Park. The R/M team looked beyond the pipe’s internal conditions and investigated the surrounding environment to determine contributing factors to the culvert failure and future rehabilitation needs.


South Lake Shore Drive Reconstruction


South Lake Shore Drive Reconstruction

The South Lake Shore Drive Reconstruction project resulted from the 7-Year Capital Improvement Plan that RM drafted for the Village in 2018. S Lake Shore Drive was in poor overall condition, had limited pedestrian and bicycle access, and was plagued by many water main breaks.


Hall Road Extension & Intersection Improvements


Hall Road Extension & Intersection Improvements

In August 2015, the City, in an effort to stimulate commercial and manufacturing growth, created Tax Incremental Financing District (TIF) #4. This District is located 1 mile from the STH 151 and STH 16/60 interchange making it a desirable location due to the transportation corridor on STH 16. Increasing the transportation infrastructure in the TIF proved to be crucial to attracting employers. In 2017, Drexel Building Supply began constructing a showroom and lumberyard on the condition that the existing Hall Road would be extended eastward to Columbus-Fall River Road.


Allen Road


Allen Road

Allen Road in the City of Oconomowoc was a rural cross section street in poor condition with drainage problems, encroaching wetlands, safety, and capacity issues.


Glendale Drive Road Reconstruction


Glendale Drive Road Reconstruction

Glendale Drive in the City of New Berlin was a rural cross section street with insufficient drainage that often flooded in a five to ten year storm. The design solution included upgrading the road from a rural to urban section, but also handling a large amount of storm water flow that entered the project site from three distinct points. 


Main Street Reconstruction


Main Street Reconstruction

The Village of Dousman desired to update the area along Main Street to revitalize the downtown and positively influence the business climate. The aging and failing pavement and underground infrastructure pushed the Village into moving forward with this project.


Church & South Street Intersection


Church & South Street Intersection

Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) supervised the reconstruction of portions of South Street, Third Street and South Main Street in the City of Oconomowoc. The project involved rehabilitation of the sanitary sewers and water mains, as well as a complete reconstruction of the urban crosssection streets, including storm sewer, curb and gutter, decorative street lighting, and brick paved terraces and cross walks.
