Municipalities today are faced with reduced utility budgets yet increased demands on their wastewater infrastructure, such as lift stations, force mains, and treatment facilities. Today more than ever, municipalities need to optimize capacity in infrastructure to stretch rate payer dollars. In addition, treatment facility effluent limits are becoming more stringent, and energy efficiency is more critical.

Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. (R/M) listens to our clients’ needs and concerns. Factors such as capacity, reliability, operation and maintenance, energy, and safety are all taken into account in a planning, design, or construction engineering project. We have advanced understanding of treatment facility unit processes, nutrient removal technologies, and nutrient compliance alternatives. We work with municipalities to identify and implement the best wastewater solutions that serve residents for decades.

R/M wastewater solutions result in increased operational effectiveness, increased reliability, reduced long-term maintenance, and increased energy efficiency. These factors lead to reduced life cycle costs for lift stations, force mains, and wastewater treatment facilities.


  • System Planning & Design
  • Construction Administration
  • Construction Review
  • New System Development
  • Extensions to Existing Systems
  • Asset Management Programs
  • Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Compliance
  • Water Energy Efficiency Auditing Services
  • Water Distribution System Modeling Maintenance
  • Programs
  • Well Siting
  • Funding & Rate Study Assessments
Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.’s wastewater treatment team has been a valuable partner in the City of Columbus’ commitment to maintain a reliable and efficient sewer utility. They have provided excellent service in all aspects of the Utility’s operation and are a pleasure to work with.
— City of Columbus, WI