With the use of Hub Sites, municipalities can maximize sharing capabilities by offering one central, accessible location for information that is essential for the community. Whether it be finding a proper polling location, or tracking internal work processes, Hub Sites support it all! 

What information can I share with the public on a Hub Site? 

Village of Thiensville Voting Wards

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the kind of information that can be shared on Hub Sites. Some common uses we see include: 

  • Zoning 

  • Parks and Pathways 

  • Curbside Branch Pickup 

  • Winter Street Maintenance 

  • Road Construction Updates 

  • Garbage & Recycling Routes 

  • Voting Wards and Polling Stations 

Hub Sites are also great for sharing data directly with the public in support of open data initiatives. This can minimize staff time needed when responding to data requests, as commonly sought data is readily findable and accessible for all.

City of Stevens Point Public Hub Site

Village of Huntley Public Hub Site

Supporting Your Community’s Internal Staff 

Stevens Point Internal Hub Site

Hub Sites serve as an organized, centralized place for data, information, and tools, which can streamline workflows for municipal staff. This GIS platform offers easy access to necessary inspection forms, utility maps, and maintenance or operations applications. 

Hub Sites also offer a mechanism to collaborate with external organizations, like contractors looking to prepare and submit bids, by providing a live integrated view of a community’s data that is limited to need-to-know information for the project. 

Hub Sites are a great way to keep the information your residents and staff need organized and at your fingertips with the click of a button! 

Village of Howard Internal Hub Site

R/M can help!

Do you want to make a Hub Site for your community? Contact one of our experts today! 



GIS Analyst

Enrika has more than ten years of GIS experience including web map and application development, data collection management and integration, and map creation. Enrika provides expertise regarding ArcGIS Online administration and customized application development to support communication apps and internal editing workflows.